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Step by Step Towards a Healthcare Proxy

Infothek: Deine Rechte rund um Verträge, Einkaufen und Bezahlen
Step by Step Towards a Healthcare Proxy
What happens if you have a serious accident? Who makes decisions for you if you’re unable to? In order for a trusted person to manage your affairs, you need a healthcare proxy. With our interactive infographic, we will show you how to do this.

If you’ve been admitted to hospital because, for example, you’ve had an accident or because you are suffering from dementia and you cannot communicate with the doctor, can your family make decisions for you? According to German law, the answer is no.

In order to be prepared for emergencies, you need a healthcare proxy. This ensures that a trusted person can make decisions for you according to your wishes. 

How To Write a Healthcare Proxy

Grafik: Giulia Cappello