Kostenloses Online-Seminar "Heizkostenabrechnung verstehen und prüfen" am 17. Oktober um 17 Uhr. Jetzt hier anmelden und bequem von zuhause aus teilnehmen.
For many, a life without the internet, mobile phones and telephones is no longer conceivable. Online shopping with a laptop or smartphone from the sofa at home is also convenient. But what to do if there are problems?
For many, a life without the internet, mobile phones and telephones is no longer conceivable. Online shopping with a laptop or smartphone from the sofa at home is also convenient. But what to do if there are problems with the service provider? Or if you have a rude awakening after shopping online, for example, because the designer jacket you have ordered does not arrive or the one-time purchase turns out to be a subscription?
Our experts can advise you on the following topics, for example:
Excessive bills for fixed, mobile or internet contracts
Cancellation /termination of contracts, complaints
Charges from third-party providers on the mobile phone bill
Agreed service is not provided, for example, due to insufficient internet speed or faulty products
Problems when purchasing goods and services on the internet, for example, through subscription traps or fake shops
You describe your case to our advisers and then receive individual legal assistance. In many cases this will help you to assert your rights independently.
In-person advice: EUR 15.00 (30 minutes) Email advice (in German): EUR 20.00; click here for details Preparation of an individual letter: plus EUR 10.00 Video chat advice using Digimobil: free of charge
Legal representation
Our advisers will represent you out of court - including in writing - vis-à-vis the company.
Out-of-court legal representation: EUR 40.00
Quick query
You have a simple question that our advisors can answer quickly.
Ad-hoc advice: EUR 5.00
Foto: Giulia Cappello
Terminating your mobile phone contract & co. cleverly
Are you dissatisfied with your mobile or Internet service provider or have you found a cheaper offer? If yes, then you must terminate your contract.
Third-party providers: how can you protect yourself?
Were you shocked by your last mobile phone bill? Don’t understand how the bill suddenly got so high? Perhaps it’s because of an unsolicited phone scam subscription. Find out here how subscription scams work and what you can do about them.
Betrug: Phishing-Mails und falsche SMS von Ministerien und Behörden
Aktuelle Entwicklungen machen sich Kriminelle schnell zu Nutze. So auch zu den Themen Inflation, Energiekrise und nationale Sicherheit. Der Betrug kommt per SMS, E-Mail oder auf falschen Internetseiten. In diesem Artikel warnen wir vor verschiedenen aktuellen Betrugsmaschen.
Was ist die neue bonify-App und wie will die App Menschen dabei unterstützen, die eigene Kreditwürdigkeit zu verbessern? Wir beantworten die wichtigsten Fragen und erläutern, warum wir das kritisch sehen.
Abzocke auf online-wohngeld.de: Hier wird kein Wohngeld beantragt!
Auf der Website online-wohngeld.de könnten Verbraucher:innen den Eindruck bekommen, dass sie dort Wohngeld beantragen können. Das ist jedoch nicht der Fall und kostet auch noch Geld!